Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dinner is Served!

This is slightly old, but I still wanted to post it...

I made dinner all by myself!!!

It was quinoa with chicken and rice.

Here are some pictures:o)

Oh! I almost for got the gravy! I was able to remember how to make it without my mom's help!
I was super excited!!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Evil Villains...

They come up in most books, movies, and stories.
I am here to tell you that some come up in my daily life too.
Here they are... (that is, the ones in my life)

The Alarm Clock (well not so much the alarm clock, I don't particularly like waking up early enough that I need it)

The Cell Phone (or rather talking on the phone. I simply hate it. It terrifies me...)

Weeds (they are SO hard to get rid of)

Chores (they NEVER end!!!) not really, they just are BORING!!!

Messy Bedrooms (they are seemingly everlasting)

Unmade Beds (uggg. You have to make them every morning...)

and last, the worst villain in history...

MATH  (I am not allowed to say I hate it -even though I do- so I have discovered new ways to express my dislike)

Those are some villains in my life... 

Yours might be different, but I'm pretty sure you have some also.
Enjoy your day:o)

Friday, August 10, 2012


None of my favorite blogs have new posts, so I'm going to post on my blog again.

I just don't know what about....

I could post about my siblings health challenges, or therapy, or the floor in our living room, but all those things are boring. (especially the floor...)

I guess I'll post about my writing...

I've written a children's story and have been working on illustrating it.

The creation of a page is very fun, so I will show it to you.

First I pull out two black pages for a background. 

 Then I raid my mom's pantry for random lids to use as planets and lay them out.

I fiddle around for a while, trying to find the perfect layout.

 (O.K. The fiddling around wasn't so much with the lids planets as with the camera...and cat)

Next step is to choose colors.

Then cut out the planets.

After the planets are cut out, I arrange them (again) on the background.

Of course, the planets (and the sun) need more detail and faces.

So I pull out one of my favorite toys tools to use. They are watercolor pencils.

Decorated planets...

and the (almost) finished product.

I still need to add stars and give the sun a face, but haven't finished it yet..