Monday, July 16, 2012


I was in Africa a few weeks ago, and wanted to mention something...
Actually, I ate about ten and no, it was NOT my idea. (I did do it voluntarily though.)
 I will now show you the process.

Finding them was interesting. All we had to do, was find some rotting wood, and pull them out...

I got special treatment. Clean termites. 


Another special treat. I got cooked termites.

They were even on a plate...

I am now about to eat one. It is in my fingers...

and it is done. Gone. Gross.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Must-See Photo; Kenyan Style

I just found this online...

On msn, this lizard is a must see photo...
Image: An African Mwanza Flat-Headed Agama sports colors like Marvel superhero Spider-Man (© Cassio Lopes/Caters News)

msn thinks it looks like spider man...
Guess what?!
I have a picture of the same lizard from when I was in Kenya!!!

 The colors aren't quite so bright, and the picture isn't quite so focused, but it's the same lizard!

This is so cool!